Her name is Sally. She's a 9 week old Shepherd-Lab stinkbug. Love her I do. (hi, Jeff!)
She likes to chew on shoes and the ties on our daughter's dresses. She snoozes a lot still, and thinks her crate is cozy. She's quiet and mellow (for a nine week old puppy). She's doing really well with her house training; the little bell you can see on her collar in this photo is part of that - - we can hear her when she wakes at night and take her out to pee. (Ok, so "we" = my wonderful, lovable, generous husband who volunteered for night duty. ♥ ♥ ♥) It also is helpful in announcing her triumphant romps around the house with a shoe in her mouth.
Sally is beginning to love being out in the backyard. It's been quite warm here lately and that - combined with her just feeling more at home - seems to make her quite happy to laze about in the sun chewing a stick. We've got LOTS of sticks back there, she's been delighted to discover. After school yesterday, our youngest daughter took to rolling down the hill back there. Sally raced after her, hopping more than running in that funny way that puppies do. Up they'd go again, and repeat the whole dance over and over again. It made me tear up to see them having fun together like this -- our daughter was very attached to our 10 1/2 year old lab cross who died back in early September. To hear her laugh and call Sally's name - to see her so happy? It melts my heart.
Sally is a bit leery of the big World outside the front door. We've taken a couple of "mini walks", she and I - and by mini I mean across the street and back. This morning she did enjoy sniffing around our front flower beds a bit, but as far as straying too far from the front door? For now, Sally's happy to be at home.
So, life is predictably crazy with a new baby pup. I wouldn't have it any other way. ♥