I know this: I miss writing. I miss the feeling of connection with the World out there - people you know, people you don't know (yet!). I miss feeling like I'm able to put something out there. Even if no one else reads it, it's out there for me to see in some concrete form. I know that I like going back and reading what I've written in the past. I feel that there's a great deal of value in it, often - even if it's only to see how far I've come, or seeing myself in a way that is clearer somehow. A blog can be an accurate mirror if you're writing honestly.Here are my goals:
- Write at least 5 times a week. I think consistency, especially when you're getting started, is important.
- Write honestly (duh!). Write from my own voice. I am who I am.
- Commit to one month, at which time I'll see if this blog is something I want to keep up with.
- Write publicly. Yipes. (reminder to self: check settings)
- Write about things that are important to *me*, even if that means that I have to cross the line of fear that I'm being self-possessed. It's a blog, so I guess it's bound to be more than a little self-directed, right? If people aren't interested in what I write about, they won't read. T'is alright.
- Keep it simple at first, adding bells and whistles as I get comfortable and more knowledgeable about the blog-o-sphere.
- No smiley faces. I will try to communicate through words - it's trickier than it sounds, isn't it
I begin tomorrow. November 1. I am anal retentive enough to enjoy the neatness of beginning at the start of a new month. There's something extra motivating about beginning something new with the flip of the calendar.
In the words of Gretchen Rubin, who conceived "The Happiness Project", learning something new is a terrific way to boost your happiness. Blogging isn't entirely new to me, but I'm rusty enough that I consider it a new skill. Time to dust off the keyboard, mentally declutter a bit, and see what comes of it.
See y'all tomorrow!
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