"In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy." - Albert Clarke

Monday, November 28, 2011

the crud

Thanksgiving break saw an unwelcome squatter in our house.   The Crud™ has loosed herself once again upon our home and, more importantly, our chests and nasal passages.  I'm looking right at the six-year-old.  That girl, I tell her "You know, Missy, you'd stay healthier if you'd keep your fingers out of your nose.".   She fixes me with a devilish grin, blue eyes sparkling, and promptly shoves a finger right up her nostril.   Cute, kid.  Real cute.

Regardless of sinusitis, I'm feeling cheerful.  It's a beautiful morning.  The sun is shining.  I'm holed up for an hour (or so) at one of my favourite coffee haunts.  It's deliciously chilly outside today - - for coastal Texas, 35F is about as cold as we get - it gives one leave to wear fuzzy, warm sweaters and my new-to-me brown corduroy pants and drink this big ass cup of coffee with  no guilt.  I'm not much one for guilt, mind you, so that's not really a stretch.

This is a big week for me, full of plans fun and exciting.  Myself and some friends are meeting up for what will be a chilly early morning nature shoot tomorrow morning.  If anyone takes a picture of me in my fuzzy toque, they're getting it.    Thursday night I will be attending the opening for a Juried Exhibition in which I have a piece hanging. My very first time having work displayed in a juried show!  Very excited about that, I am.   Friday night I perform with my choir at a local, Christmas festival.  There is no time, you may note, for The Crud ™ in ANY of this.   Shoo, bug, shoo!

In honour of Meatless Monday, I'm going to be making this later on today ~ Mushroom Hot Pot.  First off, it is visually stunning (click to see the photo).. second, coconut milk, lime, lemongrass and chiles?  How can you go wrong?   I don't have any star anise, but I've got everything else covered.  I think the dish will survive without it.   I even some have lovely, lush cilantro in my garden to serve alongside.

A fiery photo to warm you on this crisp, Autumn morning ~

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ok, so I didn't make it to the gym..

but I *did* hit the library with my eldest daughter.  Books were obtained, in copious quantities.  T'is the way that a good library trip should be.   I'm re-reading "Crow Lake" by Mary Lawson (a fellow Canadian!) for my December book club meeting, and I happened upon "The Saffron Kitchen", which intrigued me with it's storyline  - moving from drizzly, London streets to the intrigue of Iran.    Interestingly, both books are their author's first novels.  Crow Lake is an incredible book - I remember being blown away when I first read it back in 2003, thinking "This is her FIRST book??".   Incidentally, Lawson's second book - "The Other Side of the Bridge" - is also excellent.   I'm continually impressed by these writers who come off the starting blocks so strongly.

We then darkened the doors of our biggest local Shopping Mall, something you would  N O T  find me doing of my own volition - it was my girl's big request for her Thanksgiving Break - - wander the Mall.  You know, we had a *really* good time.  It was just she and I (my youngest chose to stay at home with her Daddy);  we bought a Peppermint Mocha to share (yeah, I'm *that* kind of mother), smelled every candle in the Yankee Candle store.  She chose Sparkling Cinnamon and White Linen votives, and gave me the BIGGEST hug.   I love how she appreciates the small things in life, the "little splurges", to quote Gretchen Rubin.   We spent a long time in the Claire's accessory store.  That's a tween-y Candyland, I tell you.   We giggled at the creepy looking Mall Santa, and how horrified e.v.e.r.y baby/toddler that was placed in his lap was.   I tried to convince her to wait in line, sit angelically on his knee and then - just as they snap the photo - put ol' Beardy in a headlock, but she showed greater maturity than I and declined.

Oh, and we went into some kind of stinky shower soap store - - Bath and Body Works, probably.   PSA #1 for today - - Gingerbread Hand Sanitizer?  NOT a pleasant aroma to have on your hands.

We're staying home for Thanksgiving.  I wasn't planning on making a big dinner, but kind of got swept up in the holiday cheer last night when I went out to the grocery store to pick up some cold remedy for our youngest daughter.  Ok, so I'm *not* baking the pies, but we're having homemade cranberry sauce and stuffing, rosemary-garlic potato wedges and - for the FIRST time since I became a vegetarian 13 years ago - a Tofurkey!  It was there.  It was relatively inexpensive and, most importantly, my eldest had said after hearing a story on NPR yesterday "Hey, I'd like to try Tofurkey some day!".   Well, m'dear, try it you shall!   Oh, and pie.  Pumpkin and apple.     The weather is cooperating today, bringing us cooler temperatures and cloudy skies.  It feels like a good day to be inside making yummy food and playing a board game, watching a movie - just enjoying being at home and together.

How are you spending your Thanksgiving?  May it be a happy day and may you be mindful of your many blessings.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday morning

I haven't written in a while - well, that's not true, I've got a long post halfway written, but I haven't published anything in a while.  It's been a busy few days!  The schools are out for Thanksgiving break.  It's nice to have my children home with me, even if I do have moments of my day where I want to just hole up in a closet with a good bar of chocolate and a book and, most importantly, some   Q   U   I   E   T .    Ah, sweet silence, how you elude me.

My coffee just "beeped" at me.  It's that wonderful moment of anticipation of taking that first sip.  How is it that the *first* sip always tastes so heavenly?

My big plans for the day involve making it to the gym and hitting the town library before they close down for the Thanksgiving holiday.  I still have this fantasy of trying out this delicious sounding vegan Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe that I have tucked away, but we'll see if I get to that.   Being Canadian, we don't really celebrate Thanksgiving with great flair.  There have been years where we've hosted dinner parties for transplanted souls like ourselves, and we do have an invite for tomorrow to eat with friends, but I think we're most likely just going to enjoy our day at home.  Right now a lazy day with good food and maybe a fire in the backyard towards evening sounds good to me.

To paraphrase my wise friend Dawn, I'm now going to sit here as long as it takes me to drink my Snoopy mug of black coffee.  I'm not moving unless I catch on fire.


Friday, November 18, 2011

friday five

1.  When did you last move residences?
Given that we spent our 2000's living in seven different homes (7 different cities, 2 different states, and 2 countries) in about as many years, this is kind of a record for us!   We last moved in January of 2009.   We feel like we've put down some roots!

2.  What song leaves you completely unmoved even though it seems everyone else is moved by it?
Anything by Pink Floyd (sorry.. inside joke that I CAN.NOT resist.)

3.  On what kinds of mornings is it easiest for you to jump out of bed and get moving?
Saturdays!  I don't have to wrangle the kids for school, and I have my awesome Saturday morning Yoga class to get to - - the one where we do all sorts of "how the HELL am I ever going to be able to do THAT?" poses that, slowly, I'm beginning to be able to do.   Except for tomorrow morning.  A good friend's birthday party tears me away from my firefly and crow.

4.  What object do you get most annoyed about when people move it without letting you know?
Hmmm... our family tends to be really good about leaving stuff that isn't our own alone.  I think what annoys me more is when they PUT stuff on my desk.   My desk appears to have an invisible welcoming beacon that I'm not able to see (hence the whole invisibility factor...).

5.  In what way are you waiting on someone else to make a move?
Yeah, that's not something I do much.  Why wait on someone else?  Either do it, or don't.  I'm a firm believer that we make our own lives and the idea of waiting on someone else doesn't make sense to me.  I can see waiting FOR someone else - - like waiting for a friend to meet you or waiting for your spouse to be ready before you leave, but waiting on someone else seems to mean that you are putting off something in your life or allowing someone else to direct your life.   I want to liiiiiiiiiiiiive my liiiiiife (isn't that a song?  Not a Pink Floyd song, I hope.....)

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    Today I....

    • made it to the Thursday morning early Yoga class.  Yay, me!  The Instructor lulled into a false sense of security by being all stretchy-focused, and then - BAM!    Threw Bird of Paradise at us, she did.  Dang.  I *did* manage to get it going on, at least to some extent.... if you can ignore the fact that I was kind of hunched over...   Hunchy Bird of Paradise is not quite as cute as non-hunchy;  just sayin'.
    • I found the time to toss back 20 oz of Christmas Blend.  Hey, for the months of November and December, it's my duty.  
    • I finished "The Happiness Project" (whilst tossing back the coffee).  I really liked it - I liked how "real" Gretchen Rubin comes across.  She is Gretchen.  (That'll really only make sense if you've read the book;  if you haven't, you're probably just thinking, "Yeah... so?")   I am thinking of embarking on my own Happiness Project, just for kicks.  I've already found many ideas in the book that I'd like to incorporate into my life (and some that I already had been doing).    It's a book worth reading;  I recommend it.
    • I came home and threw the ingredients for Dal in the crockpot.    Yes, actually making dinner gives me a very high sense of accomplishment.  
    • I took care of three errands that had been  nagging on me for waaaaaaaay too long - - a parcel that I've been trying to mail since August (Have I ever mentioned I loathe mailing things?  It's one of my weirdnesses).   I took care of my ... *ahem*... traffic citation (FIRST dang one since I was 17, y'all.  What a supreme PITA.).   Hit the Indian Grocer for some ingredients I noticed were lacking as I put together the dal this afternoon.   Returned borrowed coolers to a friend.
    • Fed children and hit the rink with them for the organized "Skate Night".  We had a blast.  I have one arm longer than the other from my youngest's clutch of death, but it was a great time.   My eldest really got to zooming around the rink pretty good, especially since this is only her... let's see... third time in skates, and it's been 9 months (or so) since our last outing.  I also did a fine job of refraining from dancing as I skated.  I was under STRICT instructions that I may.not.dance.  At all.  Like, not even a hip shake here or there.  Believe you me, even the slightest indiscretions were noted by the wily eyes of my eldest.   

    Home again, home again, jiggity-jig.  Everyone's sleeping but me and I'm about to join them.  Clothes are laid out for the morning, kitchen is cleaned up.  Time to hit the hay before I start to scour the shelves for tucked away chocolate....

    Today's photo - from Monday morning's venture.   A good reminder.

    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    first photo

    I decided to process and post the first photo that I took on a photo outing this morning with a good friend - at first glance, I thought "Drat. Fudged this one."  Not sharp, etc.   You know?  It's really grown on me.  I think I like it.

    My brain, it be fizzled tonight.   I had a really good day - culminating in getting some wonderful news: I have a piece accepted to a local, juried art exhibition next month at a local gallery.  Very big deal in my World, and I'm excited.   

    Tired, too, though.  Time for some book & early-to-bed therapy, I think. 

    Saturday, November 12, 2011

    crazy Saturday 10

    10 great things about this Saturday...

    1. Yoga class ROCKED this morning.  Just the fact that I was able to go rocked!  After having to miss the past three Saturday morning classes, I was giddy to be able to attend today.  One of my favourite instructors teaches on Saturday mornings - - she's got this great energy, and encourages us to try all of these crazy ass poses that I'd never have believed I could do until, gradually, I begin to be able to do them!  Case in point?  This morning I actually was able to get my foot behind my head.  It's still a bit "hunch-y", but it got there - - each of them did!   
    2. After Yoga class, I hoofed it over to drop off my Submission packet for a local, juried art show.  There was a mix-up, and I was supposed to bring in my *art* today, not just the CD of images.  Sucks, right?  Except the curator opened up my package, took a look at my contact sheet of thumbnails, and said "Wow.  These are REALLY good.   How possible is it that you'll have something ready if I come early tomorrow, before the Juror arrives, and get them in for you then?"  Um, VERY possible.  It felt *awesome* to have that kind of enthusiastic response from her and I decided right then and there that I would somehow make it happen.
    3. I made it happen.  Three, framed pieces in my car, ready to be taken over to the Gallery first thing tomorrow morning.  Phew!
    4. It was a wonderful day spent with friends.  We had our last soccer games of the season (my husband coaches two Little League teams, and I'm basically responsible for making sure he gets there, dressed, an all...   heh.)   Great games, a lot of laughs, and two end-of-season parties to enjoy.
    5. Take-out for dinner, which meant I didn't have to come home after a day of racing from Yoga classes to Galleries to soccer fields to camera shops to frame shops to soccer fields, etc... and still whip up a meal at the end of it.  Horray for convenience food now and then!
    6. The Soy Caramel Macchiato I treated myself to in between errands today.  Just because it's yummy.
    7. Two episodes of Dexter to enjoy with my guy after we put our children to bed tonight, which will be very soon!
    8. The hot shower I just took.  It's sometimes just the simple stuff, right?
    9. I loved the weather today.  It was overcast and windy and cool, but not chilly enough for a sweater.  We had a teeny bit of drizzle late in the afternoon, but nothing major - - just enough to freshen things up a bit.
    10. I get to go sit on the couch now with a big glass of iced water, and do nothing.  No more errands, no more to frame, no lunches to make for tomorrow.  Tomorrow is a day with no where that I *have* to be (except for the morning Gallery drop-off), and I'm grateful for that right now.  Looking forward to a day of rest is something that brings me joy this Saturday evening.
    I hope you had a good Saturday, too!

    Friday, November 11, 2011

    Remembrance Day

    I'm living in the United States, but I am Canadian.   As such, November 11 is "Remembrance Day" to me, and the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month is sacred.   Since I was a little girl, I've known that you take this time for a moment of silence.  This I will do this morning and, thanks to the magic of the Internet, I will join my fellow Canadians in a virtual sense through the CBC website's livestream of the ceremony being held in Ottawa, our Nation's capital.

    While I listen and wait for the moment of silence, let me tell you about a Veteran in my life.  My grandfather.  My father's father.  His name was Helmut, and he was a World War II Veteran.  He served with the Canadian Armed Forces, and was stationed in the Netherlands.  His duty was to maintain the safety of the Dutch people.  He was 23 years old.  I remember a photo that sat with quiet pride on the desk in my Grandparents living room all of my life.  It featured two boys, my Grandfather and his twin brother, in their service uniforms.  Their gazes were steady and strong.  In my Grandfather's eyes, there was a twinkle of optimism and the excitement I believe he was feeling as he prepared to deploy.  That may seem like a strange word to use - excitement - but I believe for many young men at that time there was such a thrill of doing something *so* meaningful, leaving the family farm on the Canadian Prairie to set forth and be a force of change in this World. There is no shame in that.

    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    fun gift poll

    Someone posted this to an online community I'm a member of.  I thought that it would make for a fun blog post - - *particularly* if others will share what's on their hypothetical "wish list", too!  Please feel welcome to post yours in the comments below.  Who knows?  Maybe Santa reads my blog!

    1. Under $20 gift?   Hmm... first thing that comes to mind is a pound of Starbucks' "Thanksgiving Blend" coffee beans.  It is awesome stuff.  I was a very happy girl last week when it was the "morning pick" each of the days that I popped in for coffee.

    2. Family gift?  Maybe a new fire pit for the backyard?   We've been enjoying our evenings out there at least a couple of time a week, and our current fire pit has 1-too-few legs after someone (*ahem*... oops.) inadvertently nicked it with the lawn mower.  Hey!  I didn't think a lawn mower could saw off an iron leg!  Frankly, I was more than a little impressed......  My husband didn't share my enthusiasm.

    3. Sexy/Romantic gift?   How about a night or two in a cute little hotel in New Orleans with my guy?  I'd love a weekend away!   Strolls together in the French Quarter, coffee and beignets, jazzy goodness... sounds divine.

    4. Practical gift?  We could really use a good chair for the desk.  We had one, but someone's (NOT ME!) habit of leaning waaaaaaaaaaaaay back whilst enjoying his comedy programs on Netflix did 'er in.  I was not there to witness it, but apparently the chair back went "crack!" and someone (NOT ME!) almost landed right on his keister on the tile floor.   That would have been a little bit funny..

    5. Extravagant wish gift?   A trip to the Canadian Rockies!  For two weeks!  In a nice, cozy cabin with a wood burning fire place!  And endless opportunities to head out with only my camera for company!  And steaming cups of coffee & good books to read!   And yoga time by a peaceful, Mountain lake!  And long hikes with my family!  Where the children are NOT whining or asking how much longer we're going to be walking because their feet hurt and they're hungry and whose dumb idea was this, anyway....

    I don't ask for much.

    Your turn:  what's on your wish list?  

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011


    The long, hot & ridiculously dry summer down here in Texas has had long-reaching effects that go beyond limiting how often you can water your garden, or causing some to sputter,  "Hey, I can't pressure wash my driveway?  WTF?"  (Yes, people actually DO that.  Go figure.)   I heard on NPR the other day that there are dramatically fewer Monarch Butterflies seen heading down to Mexico & South America.  The reason?  Dead bushes and plants that would have offered the blossoms they depend on for sustenance.  Our own backyard, with luck, has been able to keep many of the flowering trees and bushes alive.  We watered according to the rationing schedule, and the warm Autumn temperatures have kept the flowers coming.  This afternoon, I headed outside with my camera for a few minutes and saw four Monarchs dizzily swooping around the garden.   

    They are a sign that we've been able to maintain a strong ecological habitat in our backyard, something that matters to me a great deal.  And, they're pretty.  They make you smile.  There's hope in the return of the Monarchs each year.  It's kind of cool to see them coming through, and you can't help but want to ask "Hey, how was your Summer?"

    Monday, November 7, 2011

    meatless monday menu

    As I already mentioned, we eat meat-free all of the time (13 years & counting, baby!), but one thing that I *don't* do as often as I'd like to is meal plan.   I'm always glad when I do - we eat more interesting meals, and it helps get me out of that rice-pasta-potato-rice-pasta-potato rut.    My husband is always simply delighted at the prospect of not just dinner- but GOOD dinner!  NEW dinner!  He's just tickled by it.   Yes, it helps to have enthusiastic responses, I won't lie.

    Friday, November 4, 2011

    top 10

    Yeah, yeah... so it's 10:30 and I have Friday brain and can't string together 5 sentences;  what can you do?

    Here's an idea - the top 10 things about my day:
    1. It was *beautiful*.  Sunny and crisp, the perfect Fall day.  Jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt, no jacket needed.  Perfect.
    2. I had a breakfast date with my husband.  Much laughter and catching up after a busy week for both of us. The coffee was good, too.
    3. A book that I'd ordered came in the mail from Amazon today.  Just in time for the weekend - gotta love it!
    4. My house is clean.  I'm really trying to do a general, quick tidy each evening and not let things get out of control.  As a result, it only took 15 minutes after school  to get it ship-shape:  I vacuumed, my eldest girl mopped.  Voila!  Clean house!
    5. I enjoyed a backyard fire with my girls after dinner.  I loved sitting with them, talking about their days and sipping a mug of tea.  The stars twinkling overhead, and barely a breeze on this warm, clear night.
    6. Connecting with a friend this afternoon.  I'm grateful for the meaningful relationships I have in my life - people that I can really talk with.
    7. Fun time Skype'ing with my sister-in-law tonight.  
    8. The Thanksgiving Blend cup of coffee I treated myself to this afternoon.... well, it's a limited time thing, ya know.  Who can blame me?
    9. A new candle burning on the mantle - cinnamon pecan.   It's a little thing that makes me feel happy.
    10. Soon to tuck into a warm, cozy bed with a new book  - the night air cooling down and making it feel even more wonderful under the covers.

    "Goodnight stars, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere."  - Margaret Wise Brown

    Thursday, November 3, 2011

    I drink coffee instead

    Writer's Block prompt:  What's the last lie you told?

    Hmm.... at first I thought (smugly, I might add)  "I don't believe I can remember the last time I told a lie!", but then it came to me - - I told my husband I was going to Yoga this morning, but instead holed up in Starbucks with my book and a venti Thanksgiving Blend.   Yes, I did.   Now, in my defense, I didn't necessarily know with *100%* certainty that I wouldn't go, but ... yeah ... the coffee was definitely pulling me in its direction.

    It's silly, because he wouldn't have given a fig where I was going (and it was only an issue at all because our youngest child was home sick today, though she slept until long after I returned), but somehow it eased *my* Mama-guilt to think that I was doing something at least moderately redeeming rather than just leisurely sipping coffee and reading my book for an hour.

    What's that about?

    I logically see that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a bit of personal r&r time.  An hour of quiet and solitude isn't any less therapeutic than an hour of Yoga, if that's what you know that you're craving.  I guess the fact that I felt compelled to... ahem... tilt the pendulum in favour of the Gym instead of the coffee shop means that I'm feeling not altogether ok with how I chose to spend my time.  Self-care;  why is it something that we mothers find so hard to accept in ourselves?

    So, yes, I told a lie.  Or a half lie - given that I hadn't completely decided at the time I left the house that I wouldn't be going to the Gym.  Is it a lie if you're not decided yet?  Is it a lie if I now know that I didn't go to the Gym, but don't fess up?  So maybe I kind of ended up lying without knowing at the time that I would be lying but having an inkling that maybe I'd rather spend the hour sipping coffee than downward dogging....

    On a related note, DANG is Thanksgiving Blend a fine cup of coffee.  Go try some.

    Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    what do you do for fun?

    Ok, so I'm reading this fabulous book (that I highly recommend to everyone - borrow it, buy it... just get it!) called "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin.  This morning I read about enhancing our leisure time, making more time for fun.  I began to think about the things I do for fun, and also the things that other people do for fun that I don't find enjoyable even though sometimes I wish I *did* find them enjoyable.. I just don't.  From Gretchen's book, and some of the comments to her own blog that she shared therein, I get the impression that this is one of those common elements in our human condition.  We just won't always like what other people think of as "fun".  Personally, I'm ok with that.  I realize and accept that I just don't see the fun in paying a stranger to paint my toenails, and the idea of spending two hours at a beauty spa makes me yawn as surely as watching a documentary on WWII Submarines (sorry, husband).   I don't like going to the Mall.  I don't drink alcohol, and don't want to.  I'm not against it, I just don't enjoy it myself.   I'm not at ALL interested in visiting Las Vegas;  no, not even for the shows.  I'm not all that interested in going to shows.  I'm not a techno-phobe, but I don't care for owning the latest iPhone,iPad or iTouch. I don't even know if I spelled those correctly, and I don't care. I enjoy watching certain television programs (Hello, Dexter!), but I've never seen "How I Met your Mother", "Parenthood", Modern Family or Glee.  No, I take that back. I did watch one episode of Glee.  I just didn't like it.

    I didn't write all of this to come across as a kill joy, nor to be all smuggy-smug and make myself out to be some kind of high culture elitist.  I can indulge myself in drivel with the best of 'em!   Sister Wives and Amazing Race, anyone?  Serial Killer dramas?   Ridiculously priced cups of coffee?  Yep.     The whole topic just got me thinking - how often do we feel like we "should" like something we don't?  I can think of one thing that I've felt guilty about in the past:  At times, I've felt like I *should* like getting down on the floor and playing dolls with my children, or doing huge, involved craft projects.  I just don't like doing those things.  I like to think that I'm pretty ok with who I am, but I think these two pull at my Parenting Guilt Strings.  I like to play board games, read books, go for walks, sit in the backyard and talk.. I like to do lots of things with my girls, but playing dolls isn't one of them.  I've worked to become ok with that.

    Some of the things I do that are fun for me - my leisure time list:

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    getting (re)aquainted

    First off, is my font too large?  At first I liked it, but now I kind of feel like it's got a "large print book" thing going on.  Feedback, please.

    For my first entry in November, I wanted to do something that might reveal a bit about me in a general sense, and then I remembered a friend's entry in her blog last week where she posted a "list of fives".  I enjoyed reading hers, and figured maybe others might enjoy reading mine.

    Here goes: