Given that we spent our 2000's living in seven different homes (7 different cities, 2 different states, and 2 countries) in about as many years, this is kind of a record for us! We last moved in January of 2009. We feel like we've put down some roots!
2. What song leaves you completely unmoved even though it seems everyone else is moved by it?
Anything by Pink Floyd (sorry.. inside joke that I CAN.NOT resist.)
3. On what kinds of mornings is it easiest for you to jump out of bed and get moving?
Saturdays! I don't have to wrangle the kids for school, and I have my awesome Saturday morning Yoga class to get to - - the one where we do all sorts of "how the HELL am I ever going to be able to do THAT?" poses that, slowly, I'm beginning to be able to do. Except for tomorrow morning. A good friend's birthday party tears me away from my firefly and crow.
4. What object do you get most annoyed about when people move it without letting you know?
Hmmm... our family tends to be really good about leaving stuff that isn't our own alone. I think what annoys me more is when they PUT stuff on my desk. My desk appears to have an invisible welcoming beacon that I'm not able to see (hence the whole invisibility factor...).
5. In what way are you waiting on someone else to make a move?
Yeah, that's not something I do much. Why wait on someone else? Either do it, or don't. I'm a firm believer that we make our own lives and the idea of waiting on someone else doesn't make sense to me. I can see waiting FOR someone else - - like waiting for a friend to meet you or waiting for your spouse to be ready before you leave, but waiting on someone else seems to mean that you are putting off something in your life or allowing someone else to direct your life. I want to liiiiiiiiiiiiive my liiiiiife (isn't that a song? Not a Pink Floyd song, I hope.....)
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